Brand: ornitostogos
Model: katalogas
Keiskite atostogas į ornitostogas! Pirmajame „Ornitostogų“ kataloge rasite aprašytus beveik 40 skirtingų gamtos stebėjimo turų, į kuriuos kviesime 2025 metais. Šių turų metu pažinsite ne tik spalvingą paukščių, bet ir žvėrių, dieninių ir naktinių drugių, varliagyvių, roplių ..
Be PVM:17.43€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN117
The first compact field guide to offshore sea life of the East CoastTwo-thirds of our planet lies out of sight of land, just offshore beyond the horizon. What wildlife might you see out there? This handy guide, designed for quick use on day trips off the East Coast, helps you put a name to what you ..
Be PVM:17.43€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN26
This comprehensive monograph covers all aspects of the life of one of the largest and most striking picids on the planet. Morphology, identification, communication, distribution, behaviour, breeding and relationships, both with other wildlife and mankind, are just some of the topics covered in thirt..
Be PVM:17.43€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN27
An invaluable reference resource written in succinct language and with a user-friendly layout, The Ornithologist’s Dictionary is ideal for both amateur and professional ornithologists.The more than 5,000 definitions of words and terms of interest to ornithologists are brief and to the point, at the ..
Be PVM:17.43€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN40
Dauguma žmonių svajoja susikrauti daiktus iš savo įprasto gyvenimo mieste, parduoti savo turtą ir išvykti į nežinią, kad patirtų nuotykių. Ruth Miller ir Alanui Daviesui ši svajonė tapo realybe, nors ir su posūkiu; jie nusprendė mesti darbą, parduoti namus ir imtis didžiausio..
Be PVM:18.35€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN107
Home to the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, and Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania offers some of the finest big game watching in the world, from elephants and rhinos to chimpanzees and lions. This field guide covers all the larger mammals of Tanzania, including marine mammals and some newly di..
Be PVM:21.10€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN73
DescriptionAn RSPB audio and book guide to the birdsong of Britain's best known bird species.Birdsong is the natural soundtrack to our lives and can evoke a powerful sense of time, place and season. Often profoundly beautiful, it is also the most effective way to discover many birds, and birds' song..
Be PVM:21.10€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN71
DescriptionPacked with outstanding photographs, this practical, compact yet comprehensive reference is the definitive guide to all 139 amphibian species found in the Western Palearctic and adjacent regions.From familiar frogs and toads to striking salamanders and newts, the detailed text describes e..
Be PVM:22.94€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN74
DescriptionAn authoritative photographic guide to the butterflies of Europe.Packed with beautiful photography and thoroughly updated throughout, this is the definitive guide to all 472 species of European butterflies with additional information on another 64 species found in North Africa and south a..
Be PVM:22.94€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN112
Knyga "Britain's Mammals Updated Edition: A Field Guide to the Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland"
Britain’s Mammals is a comprehensive and beautifully designed photographic field guide to all the mammals recorded in the wild in Great Britain and Ireland in recent times—including marine mammals, bats and introduced species that have bred. The book features 500 stunning photographs and incorp..
Be PVM:24.77€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN130
This detailed guide to the reptiles and amphibians of Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands has been produced, with the collaboration of the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust, with the aim of inspiring an increased level of interest in these exciting and fascinating animals. It is designe..
Be PVM:24.77€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN113
This cutting-edge photographic identification guide to Europe’s sea mammals—the only such guide of its kind—covers the 39 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises and 9 species of seals found in the region, which spans the eastern Atlantic from Iceland to Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean, Caspian..
Be PVM:24.77€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN116
From the Hoopoe to the Black-Headed Bunting, Greece is home to a wide range of avifauna, thanks to the richly varied habitats it has to offer.Pocket-sized and portable, this compact guide provides superb full colour photographs and detailed descriptions of each bird likely to be seen on a visit to t..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN25
Birds are the most diverse tetrapod group today, but they have a rich and complex evolutionary history beyond that of their modern radiation. Appearing during the Jurassic, more than 160 million years ago, birds took to the skies and evolved into a plethora of forms during the Age of the Dinosaurs.T..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN77
This book describes in detail the 155 species of extremely rare birds that have occurred in the Western Palearctic: Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. All species that have occurred less than 10 times have been included. The records are listed with full details and references to books and art..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN57
Until recently, gulls were a group that inspired dread among birders, due to the bewildering variety of plumage, age groups, and races, many of which are very difficult indeed to separate, even to species. Things changed in 2003 with the publication of Klaus Malling Olsen's&n..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN125
This is the 5th edition of the leading guide for European bird ringers, fully revised and enlarged. Identification Guide to European Passerines now treats 267 species, 38 more than in the fourth edition. The taxonomy and sequence have been updated and the entire text has been revised and e..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN122
Pocket Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Costa Rica introduces readers to all 470 amphibian and reptile species currently known to occur in the country. Drawing on thirty years of research and field study, Twan Leenders walks readers through the rich diversity of the country's herpetofaun..
Be PVM:26.61€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN111
The most comprehensive single-volume photographic guide to Europe’s birds ever produced—from the authors of the acclaimed Britain’s BirdsCovering more than 900 species, and illustrated with 4,700 photographs, Europe’s Birds is the most comprehensive, authoritative and ambitious single..
Be PVM:27.52€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN114
A comprehensive site guide to 53 top birding locations in Costa Rica, giving full details on access, accommodation and target species.Costa Rica is famed for its rich diversity of wildlife. More than 820 species occur in this small country and almost a third of the country is protected in reserves. ..
Be PVM:27.52€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN76
DescriptionA revised and thoroughly updated edition of the definitive guide to identifying dragonflies in Europe.The first edition of the Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe was a ground-breaking identification guide that led to an increase in Odonata recording across Euro..
Be PVM:29.36€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN75
DescriptionThe definitive guide to the bats of Britain and Europe.This concise and definitive guide presents all 45 bat species that regularly occur in Europe (of which 17 are known to breed in the British Isles). The extensive introduction details the remarkable biology of bats and explores the lat..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN109
Costa Rica is among the most popular birding destinations in the world, with a breathtaking diversity of neotropical birdlife and stunningly beautiful habitats ranging from shady mangrove swamps to mist-enshrouded mountaintops and verdant rainforest. Birds of Costa Rica is the essential il..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN115
A comprehensive and up-to-date field guide to the birds of Costa Rica.Graced with bounteous natural beauty Costa Rica has become a popular destination for travellers from all over the world. Birds play a prominent role in attracting visitors, too. The shimmering quetzals, gaudy macaws, and comical t..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN127
The second edition of Birds of Spain is based on the thoroughly revised and updated fourth edition of Aves de España, the most popular Field Guide to the identification of the birds of Spain.Recommended by SEO/Birdlife, this guide offers the most current information on all bird specie..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN117
Europe’s Dragonflies is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed photographic field guide to the damselflies and dragonflies of Europe. Written by two well-travelled experts, the book covers all 140 resident and vagrant species recorded, focussing on the field identificati..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN69
The East Atlantic Flyway is a spectacular migratory route for millions of shorebirds, covering 16,000 kilometers from Arctic breeding grounds to wintering destinations in Europe and Africa.Accompanying intrepid ornithologists, we explore the secrets of shorebirds’ migrations, delving into bird biolo..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN36
This quick-reference, field-friendly guide offers a complete identification reference to all of the sandpipers, plovers, stints and other waders found in Europe, Asia and North America.This new field guide offers a complete identification reference to all of the waders found in Europe, Asia and Nort..
Be PVM:32.11€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN121
Pocket Guide to the Mammals of Costa Rica is the first guide to provide comprehensive coverage of every currently known mammal species found in Costa Rica. From the Central American Silky Anteater to the West Indian Manatee, Fiona A. Reid and Gianfranco Gómez Zamora introduce readers to over 20..
Be PVM:33.03€
Brand: Oriolus Förlag
Model: KN69
Collective work "Birding in Poland" is a guide for bird watchers to the most interesting ornithological stands in Poland in English.The guide was created for both bird watchers who plan a longer stay in Poland, as well as those who visit large cities for business and have only a few hours to observe..
Be PVM:35.78€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN66
The most complete and up-to-date guide to the birds of South Asia. This book covers all species and subspecies of birds (over 2500) known from South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, as well as Afghanistan and the Chagos Archipelago.Revised and upda..
Be PVM:35.78€
Brand: Bloomsbury Naturalist
Model: KN72
DescriptionThis groundbreaking new guide is an authoritative field reference for these two groups of animals.The taxonomy and systematics of European reptiles and amphibians have changed a lot in recent years, yet there is no modern, up-to-date field guide available that comprehensively covers all t..
Be PVM:35.78€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN118
Sharon ChesterThe definitive full-color field guide to Arctic wildlifeThe Arctic Guide presents the traveler and naturalist with a portable, authoritative guide to the flora and fauna of earth’s northernmost region. Featuring superb color illustrations, this one-of-a-kind book covers the comple..
Be PVM:35.78€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN59
The Helm Guide to Bird Identification covers tough species identification issues by looking at tricky pairs or groups of birds, and comparing and contrasting their respective features. This book is designed as a companion to regular field guides, providing much additional information. As well a..
Be PVM:35.78€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN35
Raptors of the World is the definitive handbook to this most popular group of birds.This new field guide uses all of the illustration plates from Raptors of the World, with a concise, revised text on facing pages, to create a conveniently-sized, lightweight field reference covering all 340 rapt..
Be PVM:36.70€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN106
A fully revised and updated new edition of the award-winning, bestselling field guide to East African birdsBirds of East Africa is widely regarded as one of the best field guides to any region of the world. Named a BirdTwitch Best Bird Book of the year for Africa when it was first published, it..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Oriolus Förlag
Model: KN70
About this bookLanguage: EnglishMarian Cieślak (1950 – 2016) became one of the few researchers in Europe to commence with scientific study of bird feathers, and most especially – the feathers of birds of prey and owls. This resulted in the first guide to feathers published in Polish (in 1999). Prese..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN115
This field guide is an abridged edition of the very successful Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.This book combines the format and detailed treatment of the larger version with the convenience of a field guide. It covers all 1089 bird species known from the region, including vagrants.All the..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN116
This spectacular edition of the best-selling Helm field guide of all time covers all resident, migrant and vagrant species found in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi.More than 1,300 species are illustrated with full details of all the plumages and major races likely to be encountered. Conc..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN110
Opening up new frontiers in birdwatching, this is the first field guide to focus specifically on the identification of European passerines and related landbirds in flight. Showcasing 850 stunning and remarkably lifelike colour illustrations from acclaimed bird artist Tomasz Cofta, produced using the..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Lynx
Model: KN56
Seabirds Count is the fourth census of Britain and Ireland’s internationally important populations of breeding seabirds. Over 10,000 sites and 25 species were surveyed between 2015 and 2021, providing a comprehensive update on the state of these populations. These vital ..
Be PVM:41.28€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN38
Seawatching can present identification difficulties to even the most experienced birdwatcher, and demands a specialised set of skills and strategies to deal with the challenges of bad weather and poor visibility. The rewards can be great; many species of seabird live exclusively at sea outside their..
Be PVM:42.20€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN39
Having trouble separating your scops from your screech owls, Tengmalm's from Tawny Owl or Collared and Spotted Owlets? Then this is the book for you.Owls of the World is the ultimate photographic resource dedicated to the identification of these charismatic, largely nocturnal birds of prey. Thi..
Be PVM:42.20€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN65
DescriptionThis authoritative handbook, part of the Helm Identification Guide series, looks in detail at the remarkable and diverse birds of paradise – perhaps the ultimate birders' birds.Renowned for their elaborate and dazzling plumages, the birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae) and bowerbir..
Be PVM:45.87€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN41
Raptors are notoriously hard to identify, even if seen well, and represent perhaps the toughest of all ID challenges for birders.This book is the ultimate flight-identification guide for the raptors of the Western Palaearctic, covering Europe, North Africa, the Middle East (including Arabia) to Cent..
Be PVM:47.71€
Brand: Princeton University press
Model: KN108
Birds of Central America is the first comprehensive field guide to the avifauna of the entire region, including Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Handy and compact, the book presents text and illustrations for nearly 1,200 resident and migrant species,..
Be PVM:50.46€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN34
The standard text on the identification of the northern hemisphere's gulls, this book covers the plumage variation through age and subspecies of all 80 species in the region. With exhaustive coverage, detailed maps, and superb plates and photos, this book remains the definitive work on these birds, ..
Be PVM:54.13€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN58
This guide to the feathers of Europe's birds presents a novel and innovative method to recognise the feathers of Europe's birds. Covering over 400 species, an innovative key allows for exceptionally precise identification by colour as well feather structure and shape.Collection and conservatio..
Be PVM:59.63€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN37
Owls are enduringly popular birds, but due to their nocturnal habitsmost species are difficult to see well. The plumages of many speciesare cryptic and difficult to separate by plumage alone. This problem iscompounded by the different morphs that many adopt. This book fullydescribes every known spec..
Be PVM:68.81€
Brand: Helm
Model: KN33
This is the first book created primarily for the field identification of parrots, one of the most familiar and colorful groups of birds. From the mighty macaws to the diminutive pygmy parrots, the 350 species of parrots include cockatoos, parakeets, lovebirds, and Budgerigar. Most are brightly color..
Be PVM:68.81€